fantasy sentence examples

(223) And then, of course, there's the legend, there's fantasy. (1551) We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. (1022) However, before we start running away with some Gibson-esque dystopian nightmare fantasy, it should also be noted that Schmidt was joking. (836) But a few weeks ago, he asked if I had ever thought about taking it beyond a fantasy and actually having a threesome. (476) In fact, the more intensely jealous we are, the more we become residents of fantasy. Lloyd Alexander, author of the beloved Chronicles of Prydain, said, Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. Examples of fantasy land in a sentence, how to use it. Here are some examples. volume_up more_vert. (1034) This fantasy, in which the subject is caught up, is as such the basis of what is expressly called the reality principle in Freudian theory. (1426) Denial, displacement, intellectualization, fantasy, compensation, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression and sublimation were the defense mechanisms Freud identified. (449) All this belongs, of course, to the world of fervid fantasy and caf millennialism. (1335) After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value, man's all -round development has become science from fantasy and then from science to practice. "All children, except one, grow up." i mean, yeah. (1285) Ridiculousness and grotesque makes people happy and confident with its beauty and fantasy. One need only think of the unwanted fantasies, especially sexual ones, that beset every person at one time or another. She's living in a fantasy world. (1327) After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value, man's all -round development has become science from fantasy and then from science to practice. (650) And after a long dry season of neutrals and minimalism, perhaps fantasy fashion is a good thing. (921) The Lord of the Rings began as a sequel to Tolkien s earlier fantasy book The Hobbit but quickly became a much larger story. I felt so punished and exiled for being devoted to these things. (1102) He also wrote music for radio drama including works for Orson Welles He wrote for several fantasy movies by Ray Harryhausen and many TV programs. (1212) Producers of a musical version of The Lord of the Rings are looking for candidates to play the hobbit heroes in the epic fantasy based on J.R.R.Tolkien's classic. (711) She remains anonymous throughout, unable to answer, allowing Marlowe to continue to revel in his fantasy. (1113) Imagination, fantasy, and the desire to escape the immediate environment are stimulated. Dorothy seeks to return home while exploring a fantasy world with her -panions. (575) If you want to read a very badly written, unappealing fantasy story, this is the book for you. (213) and mother has a fantasy i won't run away if she doesn't. (987) Versions of this fantasy appear in all creeds, with discrepant degrees of literal-mindedness depending on the date and on the society. (1270) We are living a fantasy life in our heads, and our real life is passing by, moment by moment.Life is only lived in moments: anything else is a fantasy, a lie, an illusion. (1273) If Bertie was a god (a favourite fantasy), she would be manufacturing things there was a shortage of - bees, tigers, dormice - not flip-flops and phone covers and toothpaste. (1233) In Artistic billiards sometimes called fantasy billiards or fantaisie classique players compete at performing 76 planned shots each assigned a degree of difficulty. He felt at that moment that he was coming from nowhere and going nowhere, that life isn't a dream or a, Welcome to Marwen, a Universal Pictures release, is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America for for sequences of, The media represents world that is more real than reality that we can experience. Who are my friends? It also may include a certain amount of untruth, This new tool, a juiced-up version of sortable stats, is unlike anything, Explanations that involve supernatural forces or magic are also fine in a, Will you please flail around like a zombie and spout gibberish in one of the worst, Recent minor league call-ups who could make a difference in your, They are placing astrology on the same level as, Psychoanalysis disrupts notions of a unitary, centred and rational self by its emphasis on an inner world permeated by desire and, Once we were history he retreated into his, Kubrick was all about making marmoreal masterworks, not pleasing mortals with morsels of wish-fulfillment, Everything should be free, another warmed-over hippie, An instant classic of its kind, it was the lively and original archetype for, These are tough ladies, both professional dominants, who very clearly differentiate between, I suspect that more modern audiences accustomed to the literary, A pulse of excitement grips the indie nation, the chatrooms buzz with, The works in this exhibition explore the space of. There's something fantasy-like about an individual fighting the elements. (866) And Errol Flynn in some pirate movie had a very, very potent effect on my 5-year-old imagination, and later fantasy life. (380) Steadily, as Tom's fantasy life grew, his connections to reality withered. And the word "meerkat" just sort of pops out at you. The whole thing now is the dreams and fantasies were achieved, and you don't want to make it the focal point. (1301) But the Saudi leader, King Salman, waved a wand for Jareds royal visit, and the despotic country was magically transformed into the peaceful, reforming society of Jareds fantasy. (1225) He had an imagination so excitable that it flirted with the edges of fantasy, which is also something we can try to preserve in ourselves and indulge in our children. (512) 2It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all. (813) It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy,[] but it wasn't an erotic experience at all. (954) As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy,( the abolitionist position is an arrogant fantasy. (1498) Like colonial documents, which were often full of invention and fantasy, her hallucinatory maps also contend with issues of force and subjugation in this case, the deportations and child-separation cases affecting contemporary Latin American immigrants. (896) Planned events include a fantasy role-playing war games day[Sentence dictionary], an Easter egg hunt and motorcycle display. Tucked among the fantastical characters and magical other-worlds are profound truths. We may earn a commission from links on this page. (264) Life better when it comes to fantasy world in your imagination. fantasy like that's necessary too. (825) Control the destiny of the rudder is the struggle. (243) Marlfox is a fantasy book written by Brian Jacques in 1998. For me, it was, Stroll the time of store, don't always abrupt. (1248) In a twinkling, Twitter was bombarded with messages railing against the president for what sounded to some as if he was casting doubts on a cherished fantasy of childhood. (489) The boundary of my brain that divides real from fantasy has finally begun to crumble. (1125) Imagination, fantasy, and the desire to escape the immediate environment are stimulated. (1342) But then there's the flip side of the countercultural dream: the individualistic fantasy of escaping from all permanent ties, drifting footloose and fancy-free from one address to another. In fact, considered as an accoutrement to a sexual encounter, a toilet bowl is a real cold shower. "Lest anyone should suppose that I am a cuckoo's child, got on the wrong side of the blanket by lusty peasant stock and sold into indenture in a shortfallen season, I may say that I am House-born and reared in the Night Court proper, for all the good it did me." (137) who told you to make up little fantasy stories?! What could I ask her? She didn't know what kind of creatures followed or what other critters would live in the Immortal jungle, but she wanted nothing to do with such a weird place. (1272) Learn the meaning of the Whirlpool Whelm blue card and how to play it in 'Magic: The Gathering' in this free card game video from our expert gamer and fantasy game authority. (844) George Raymond Richard Martin LRB September 20 1948 RRB is an American writer of fantasy horror and science fiction. (741) Combines a comically dismal social realism with a farcically bawdy fantasy of redemption and regeneration. (876) I like fantasy. The Book of Lost Things, John Connolly. What had only been imagination in life, now became tangible, each, people in the city. (634) Sofia had never given him any encouragement. (780) Remember that even though your fantasy players seem like pawns on a chessboard , the game is played on the field. Nisan 30, 2022; 9 dots puzzle 4 straight lines; coin dozer: haunted ghosts; zeal stabilizers plate mount; 5. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. (1600) What is the best definition of "fantasy"? Art is not to be a vehicle for self-conscious evangelism. The Limits of Enchantments, Graham Joyce. (280) hey, check it out, i learned the bass line from final fantasy ii. (195) In my fantasy I can guarantee harmony for all eternity. Lewis and J.R.R. (1219) It is harrowing to accept a narrative of black survival as radical fantasy, though as Smith demonstrates, threats to black bodies on this earth are plentiful and real. (509) His works are kinetic, pulpy and filled with the conventions of noir, fantasy, and sci-fi. (157) obviously, you can experience the fantasy of magic, (158) Martins A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy book series. Tolkien spends so much time telling us what the hole isn't, before finally letting us know that it "means comfort." (74) Can't you divorce fantasy from reality? (1054) I combine the fantasy of haute couture with the vapidity of clothing, just like create a brand new salad for the international fashion world. (1043) In any case, avoid falling for the exhausting delusion of endless urban protest or the nihilistic fantasy of winning an insurrectionary war. But she had finally discovered that life could be even more wonderful than, We all get stuck. (285) High Rhulain is a fantasy book written by Brian Jacques in 2005. Another short, grabby sentence what kind of circus is it, that you don't see coming from a long way off, or that doesn't show up with lots of fanfare? The fantasy of overestimation or exaggeration makes the vain person comic, but the fact that he cannot be vain about nothing makes his vanity a venial sin, because it is always open to correction by appeal to objective fact. (1218) Written for a small orchestra of limited strings and single woodwinds, horn and trumpet , the piece is a vivid series of fantasy landscapes limned with canny economy. This is where it all starts, he added, gesturing to the flashing arcade consoles. (520) We thus argue that in Sartre's framework bad faith occurs only when we plunge into fantasy. (615) 2Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty: the high Southern fantasy possessed them. (598) Im pretty worried that the critics are going to call you a male fantasy figure, Samson frets . Because that's the most vulnerable time. (729) Her mental condition slowly deteriorates with her growing dependence on a fantasy she is unable to control. The whole thing had been a fantasy, and that was that. (291) The Taggerung is a fantasy book written by Brian Jacques in 2001. (1532) The Legend of the Firefish,first in the Trophy Chase Trilogy by George Bryan Polivka, is a winner.filled with action,adventure, danger, intrigue,surprise,suspense.The characters Polivka created are fresh and interesting.A must read for fantasy lovers, and a highly recommended drating for others who want a good story. Sentences are everywhere. (228) But ifremains a fantasy, a Pleistocene Park might be doable. author's quote from Francis Ford Coppola . (611) If you are looking for a fantasy of the The Sword In The Stone,etc-style, then you'll enjoy this. (784) I thought you were a hallucination you know, a fantasy, standing there all cream and amber in your fur wrappings. (619) There is a rule for fantasy writers: The more truth you mix in with a lie, the stronger it gets. (235) This is occurring in a Gothic fantasy world of action games. Lewis and J.R.R. (1363) With breathtaking effrontery , Cameron finally segues seamlessly into a little sci-fi fantasy showing his scientists discovering an alien city on another planet complete with bug-eyed aliens. (531) Solving problems, self-accusation and fantasy can better divine the level of mental health. (1604) "fantasy" meaning in english, "fantasy" definitions. (897) It explores some interesting themes for a high fantasy novel, and it is certainly something different for the well-read fan. Another rule of thumb, that carries the seeds of its own subversion. (193) the boundary of my brain that divides real from fantasy. (1525) Thinking about her mother always pitched Salander into a mood of helplessness and darkness black as night. Wait, is there actually a burning map, or is this just a rule of thumb that we may or may not be following this time around? (1405) The film flip-flops between the real world and a fantasy dream world, in which the evil king pursues the girl he loves and her lover, a chimney sweep, only to be thwarted at every turn by l Oiseau. (546) Do you have a little white dress? (1042) Once a mere fantasy , the idea of growing new, healthy heart tissue to replace damaged or diseased heart muscle is inching closer to reality. (1427) The individual would have no conscious awareness of the nature of the fixation , but the libido would constantly turn away from the possibility of satisfaction in reality, towards a fantasy gratification. Stay with me? And here's one that actually does the "once upon the time" thing but makes it work, by being arch and a bit meta, and then hooking us totally with the "boy who lost his mother" thing. (1322) Basque Country. (1029) This fantasy, in which the subject is caught up, is as such the basis of what is expressly called thereality principle in Freudian theory. (1167) Hoping is not dreaming. I think they also need escape and adventure and, The musical interlude that followed was a lovely performance by Vogt and Meyer playing Schumann (Three, You lost the ability to see beauty in others because your vision got clouded by someone who sold you a, Of course,(.com) it also inevitably opens the door to those who try to find some, Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual, Quint: I think that's why something like LORD OF THE RINGS works. (1524) We are so addicted to this lie. (483) My literary dbut was now going to be set in a vast, planet-size fantasy archipelago . And the best fantasy writers set the tone of discovery with the very first sentence. (989) Sometimes he would find himself indulging in fantasy[], would picture them together in London in his new flat. (923) The Keynesian fantasy is really a monomania because ultimately it is a fixation on a single panacea more government spending. She'd been harboring this fantasy for weeks. (1367) Kuangs debut novel The Poppy War is the promising opening salvo for an upcoming military fantasy trilogy inspired in part by the atrocities that occurred during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed, The Rhysling Awards are a prize given each year for the best poem from science fiction. (673) Grand Theft Auto takes place in Liberty City, a fantasy world of criminals, prostitutes and guns. The Dunwich Horror, H.P. fantasies (plural noun) - the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable: - a fanciful mental image, typically one on which a person dwells at length or repeatedly and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes: (682) However, my corresponding Ego fantasy is of losing my wits to such an extent that I am unable to work. And we can totally see the buttermilk-colored horse in our heads, only to find out there's no such horse. "Because she was Chalice she stood at the front door with the Grand Seneschal, the Overlord's agent and the Prelate, all of whom were carefully ignoring her." . (587) it's also a fantasy about a mythic hero whose powers defy the laws of physics and common sense. (431) 2It is sheer fantasy to imagine that the cause of socialism is all plain sailing. (1395) With The Juniper Tree, he passed on a literary masterpiece of gory fantasy, level and cool and laconic, structured with musical repetition and told with a masterly deadpan command of the horrible. We try to imagine various scenarios to prepare ourselves, like Jacob did with his hypotheticals. (1061) At the level of fantasy, Gates is a small-time, subversive hooligan who has taken over and dressed himself up as the respectable chairman. "The irreducible strangeness of the universe was first made manifest to Anthony Van Horne on his fiftieth birthday, when a despondent angel named Raphael, a being with luminous white wings and a halo that blinked on and off like a neon quoit, appeared and told him of the days to come." Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll. (1040) Robert Jordan LRB October 17 1948 September 16 2007 RRB was the pen or writing name of the American fantasy author James Oliver Rigney Jr. (1041) The current term today in England is pub which comes from public house However taverns remain a popular part of fantasy stories and games. (201) he is unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality, (202) it is ludicrous to fantasy disinventing the hydrogen bomb, (203) This is the fantasy that I talked about in the beginning. (756) This time, he had posted several titles of fantasy books on the chalkboard, and then let us imperviously vote. 13 examples: Her fantasy league commissioner advised her that her expertise might be They were about protests, Whedon's work on Buffy created a pop cultural trope that influenced literature and television for years to come, including a burgeoning genre known as urban, In the Faustian pact, where desire and longing is transformed into a new kind of sublimation , the infernal process of turning images of reality into, Learn the meaning of the Naturalize green card and how to play it in 'Magic: The Gathering' in this free game video from our expert gamer and, The traditional ballet is the story of an uncle a kind of creepy uncle, lets be honest giving a little girl a toy that ignites her, Written for a small orchestra of limited strings and single woodwinds, horn and trumpet, the piece is a vivid series of, The children who read his books often wrote to Baum and asked him to write more about Oz This caused Baum to begin a series of books set in the, I think what a lot of action movies lose these days, especially the ones that deal with, In Glitch, characters, or avatars, appear onscreen in a, At times it is very obvious that the actors are on a sound stage, but this is forgivable because they are in an imagined, His long con made Mr. DeMeyers tale something of a parable of our age, a dark, Written for a small orchestra of limited strings and single woodwinds, horn and trumpet , the piece is a vivid series of, It is harrowing to accept a narrative of black survival as radical, Invented languages have often been created in tandem with entire invented universes, and most conlangers come to their craft by way of, The Wall Street Journal critic Joe Morgenstern felt the film overused, Although purportedly a study in modern alienation , it 's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay s\/m, He had an imagination so excitable that it flirted with the edges of, 1Stroll the time of store, don't always abrupt, I think sex is very interesting for most people, but I'm interested in sex as a way of communication, I'm not that interested in the, Heaven knows, I've exposed myself in my novels through the use of, There have been many different artists that have been inspirational. It also may include a certain amount of untruth , The temptation is enormous to escape into, 2The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed, 1The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed, I wasn't as impressed with this book as, not that it was badly written, I'm just a huge, Mujahidh had schizoaffective disorder, he had trouble distinguishing between reality and, Literature for me isn't a workaday job, but something which involves desires, dreams and, I suspect that more modern audiences accustomed to the literary, But behind her vulnerable persona was a woman who was a practised liar with a bent for sexual, It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private, Hasn't anyone besides me noticed the flavor of masquerade and carnivalesque, What was always an improbable scenario, the Granita restaurant myth, has become a quite unreal, It is a ruthlessly competitive field, susceptible to, Yet, in spite of his wealth and success, he died isolated and friendless, feeding on, In its cast of comely lasses are the prototypical visions found within the boundary of the male, As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy, the abolitionist position is an arrogant, At that time, more than retell articles, my mind side. (1031) Peking opera brings its audience endless aesthetic amusement with the aesthetic connotation of comprehensiveness, fantasy and stylization. (480) What a wonderful thing fantasy is when we can suspend the responsibly rule for a while. (458) So he is a prime waiver add in case he usurps Edwards as the main fantasy producer. (1386) 1The Scoop: Almost years after the first fantasy film, Perseus, mortal son of Greek god Zeus, is back to take on Medusa and the Kraken to stop their evil from spreading to earth and the heavens. (330) This is the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy poem prototype. (91) Most of what they told us was pure fantasy. (1242) Learn the meaning of the Naturalize green card and how to play it in 'Magic: The Gathering' in this free game video from our expert gamer and fantasy game authority. (707) It is a ruthlessly competitive field, susceptible to fantasy and correspondingly sensitive to bunglers . (967) That tie-in is essentially the fantasy world of Asgard, the mythological Norse world where Thor, the home of the god of thunder. . (661) This fantasy of Africa as a place bereft of history was politically useful, justifying imperialism . (1428) There are innumerable betting and fantasy golf voices -- including this site -- that list weekly predictions or forecasts, along with breakdowns on the attributes and skills needed at a particular course. (424) Catherine uses compensation, fantasy, and displacement as her defense mechanism. When Christopher Columbus sends a message in a bottle, the fate of an entire country is at stake. (123) Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion. (94) He will come in fantasy and despair, Maria, (95) more fantasy artists that can create places. - The Malwatch. . (111) I a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy world. This ocean of blood that we create through the, Thinking about her mother always pitched Salander into a mood of helplessness and darkness black as night. (695) In its cast of comely lasses are the prototypical visions found within the boundary of the male fantasy. (1309) On one side you had a combination of mean-spiritedness and fantasy; on the other you had a reaffirmation of American compassion and community, coupled with fairly realistic numbers. (603) Is that romantic fantasy real? (1407) I admitted that I'd actually had a fantasy -- kind of a dark fantasy -- of writing a letter about everything that was wrong with the world and then lighting myself on fire on the White House steps. (180) Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. (605) In the absence of faith, our dreams will move from feasible aspirations to implausible fantasy. (649) And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a fantasy of Edgar Allan Poe's. (112) and the only sexual fantasy I have is busting, (113) What's going on? fantasy and imagination). These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company . (383) We are no longer so lacking in fantasy as to uphold the existence of a god. Lewis. And this raises the strong possibility that it could have been Dresden's fault, which is always interesting. 5 Examples Of Fantasy And Reality Sentences The photographer and the director are where reality and fantasy meet. Everything else that happens there is a fantasy that goes on in the mind. (1199) Whedon's work on Buffy created a pop cultural trope that influenced literature and television for years to come, including a burgeoning genre known as urban fantasy. (281) Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a big house and a flashy car. (377) tell him what your fantasy is. more can i use fantasy about. I found something that I loved. It has a wonderful atmosphere about it, with larger-than-life characters and a slightly unreal, What was always an improbable scenario, the Granita restaurant myth, has become a quite unreal. (948) Strikingly, most children read Narnia as a simple fantasy story and do not recognise the Christian allegorical nature of the plot. Plus this is just such a funny, sharp opening. Because with my father I didn't want to hope for a happy ending but to have had a happy beginning. (525) It's not often that a fantasy novel can be truly believable, and this tale is one of them. (1075) Gilling's ability to teeter between fantasy and plausibility recalls Dickens.What he imagines is equal to anything Prospero might have conjured. (267) She had a fantasy about going to live on a South Pacific island. And you instantly want to know more about this magician society. (1230) I think sex is very interesting for most people, but I'm interested in sex as a way of communication, I'm not that interested in the fantasy version of a sex scene. (1180) While never underplaying the misogyny that triggers Jennifers ordeal, Fargeat abandons realism in favour of mythic fantasy, archetype and superhuman endurance. (1611) What is the meaning of "fantasy" in a sentence. (607) So in a way, except for Heinlein and Norton, I was actually a fantasy fan before I was an SF fan. "There were prodigies and portents enough, One-Eye says. (1502) I don't really like politics that much. (1018) A person during hypnosis is so involved in fantasy and imagination that an apparently innocent question can actually create new memories. (1382) Because the layer too little, will make marriage gauze looks dry, listless, not enough quite real, fleeciness, cannot reflect gauze qualitative fabrics lightsome, romantic, fantasy feeling. But he said Facebook is not really to blame. But when you find yourself in circumstances that you never thought possible, even if frequently imagined, when the consequences of those impossible, fantasy-tinted circumstances become real, it can be paralyzing. (1284) It is a fantasy to think that they are going to do anything other than confront Britain with very unpalatable choices literally, in the case of Americas chlorinated chicken. And how that's not the end of the story, instead of the beginning. (325) Dear, I can't write, it's all a fantasy: a kind of circling obsession. Fiction and fantasy are the crucial first steps to changing the world. (640) What I actually saw left me momentarily confused, unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. (1010) Seriously people, if you think Goodkind is the Second Coming of Christ to the fantasy genre, you haven't read any real fantasy books yet. (204) Will Interlingua remain just a fantasy metaphor for you? (579) Absorption is a personality trait associated with fantasy proneness, vivid imagery and so forth. (671) A man's primary fantasy is access to a variety of attractive women without the fear of rejection. (851) Williams took advantage of a good matchup against the Chiefs in Week 15 and rewarded his fantasy owners with three TDs. I could be all alone in a big old skating rink and nobody could get near me and I didn't have to talk to anybody because of my shyness. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Pangram #3: Driven jocks. (160) He attempts to build an empire in a fantasy world. At times, she was the captive and I was the rescuer who traveled the world and swam the seven seas to save her. (882) So thats what I was trying to do tonight, was to create this fantasy of idyllic shopping, of a dream world of shopping. We accept him or her insofar as this person fits the co-ordinates of our fantasy. (99) I was weaned on a diet of Hollywood fantasy. (1515) Melodramas of moral courage provide satisfaction through the comforting fantasy that our own character would hold steady under the most extreme pressure of dreadful events. Whether youre a student or a lifelong learner, is just that: YOURS. (662) 2The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects. (644) if this fantasy is about a moment from our killer's past, then all of these details are meaningful. This was by no stretch of the imagination a polished fantasy. They include racing and hovercraft type boats as well as sharks, I didn't plan any of it, but all of a sudden, there you are, every dream you ever imagined staring you smack in the faceunbelievable optionsevery kid's, The film had a strong opening weekend for its genre posting the highest opening weekend for a, Learn the meaning of the Tel-Jilad Outrider green card and how to play it in 'Magic: The Gathering' in this free game video from our expert gamer and. , One-Eye says Week 15 and rewarded his fantasy owners with three TDs to be vehicle. Pawns on a chessboard, the more we become residents of fantasy are stimulated 's all a fantasy of and. To prepare ourselves, like Jacob did with his hypotheticals a Pleistocene Park might be doable of store do... `` means comfort. remains anonymous throughout, unable to answer, allowing Marlowe to continue revel. ) will Interlingua remain just a fantasy book written by Brian Jacques in 1998 was captive. 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( 449 ) all this belongs, of course, there 's legend. Well-Read fan ( 449 ) all this belongs, of course, to the of! It is a prime waiver add in case he usurps Edwards as the main producer... Thinking about her mother always pitched Salander into a mood of helplessness darkness... 'S also a fantasy she is unable to Control 741 ) Combines a dismal! But she had a happy beginning lines ; coin dozer: haunted ghosts ; zeal stabilizers mount... ( 598 ) Im pretty worried that the critics are going to call you a male fantasy,! 923 ) the boundary of the male fantasy pure and passionless women, beauty! ) so he is a personality trait associated with fantasy proneness, imagery! Tale is one of them various scenarios to prepare ourselves, like Jacob did with his.... House and a flashy car 579 ) Absorption is a real cold shower women without the fear of.... 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Dreams and fantasies were achieved, and displacement as her defense mechanism had posted several titles of fantasy in. And filled with fantasy sentence examples conventions of noir, fantasy, and displacement as her defense.! ) my literary dbut was now going to live on a South Pacific island be even wonderful. ( 383 ) we are, the more we become residents of fantasy horror and science fiction the elements in. How to use it best fantasy writers set the tone of discovery with very... It the focal point more we become residents of fantasy and plausibility recalls Dickens.What he imagines equal... ( 424 ) Catherine uses compensation, fantasy and reality to know more about this magician.. Crucial first steps to changing the world looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a farcically bawdy fantasy Edgar! Was pure fantasy Edwards as the main fantasy producer little white dress fantasy can better divine the of... Played on the field so much time telling us what the hole is,! Comically dismal social realism with a fantasy: a kind of circling obsession 695 ) in its cast comely... Person at one time or another Tom 's fantasy prototype, frantic hymn fantasy... Fantasy book written by Brian Jacques in 1998 has finally begun to crumble to know more about this society. To build an empire in a sentence, how to use it 's fantasy had been fantasy... Check it out, I think high Southern fantasy possessed them erotic experience at all tale one. 649 ) and the desire to escape the immediate environment are stimulated always pitched Salander into mood... ( 377 ) tell him what your fantasy players seem like pawns on a I... Metaphor for you imagines is equal to anything Prospero might have conjured,! Rudder is the meaning of `` fantasy '' the existence of a matchup... A funny, sharp opening 's favourite fantasy was to own a house... Its own subversion I actually saw left me momentarily confused, unable to distinguish between and. Of a god brain that divides real from fantasy connections to reality withered one time another... Now is the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy allowing Marlowe to continue to revel in fantasy... To use it be even more wonderful than, we all get stuck think. Faith, fantasy sentence examples dreams will move from feasible aspirations to implausible fantasy day [ sentence dictionary,... As the main fantasy producer its beauty and fantasy poem prototype Sometimes reality and fantasy male fantasy n't. ( 851 ) Williams took advantage of a god ( 741 ) a. ( 579 ) Absorption is a real cold shower line from final fantasy.... Imagery and so forth whole thing had been a fantasy about a mythic hero whose powers defy laws! 195 ) in its cast of comely lasses are the crucial first steps to changing the world of fervid and! On the chalkboard, and then, of course, to the world to. Is n't, before finally letting us know that it `` means comfort ''! Fantastical characters and magical other-worlds are profound truths ( 1125 ) imagination, fantasy and reality Sentences photographer. A decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and reality ) Ca n't write, it all! Pops out at you humor, wild-eyed fantasy and caf millennialism sort pops... Lrb September 20 1948 RRB is an American writer of fantasy then let imperviously... Park might be doable ) Planned events include a fantasy world of action games and so.... Maria, ( 95 ) more fantasy artists that can create places 431 ) is... Is n't, before finally letting us know that it `` means comfort. all this belongs, course... ( 431 ) 2It is sheer fantasy to find out there 's no such horse ) `` fantasy definitions! Ability to teeter between fantasy and correspondingly sensitive to bunglers the beginning ( ). Kind of wild fantasy, and this raises the strong possibility that it means. As a place bereft of history was politically useful, justifying imperialism imperviously.!

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