safety briefing for virtual meetings

Get the latest safety communication tips from best selling author and international safety speaker John Drebinger. Dedicating just a couple of minutes each day to a short safety moment will ensure maximum engagement in the topics being covered. Some general questions you can ask yourself to narrow in on some topics: There are many other questions or guidelines you can use to determine what topics or topics you should cover. Its how you keep people safe, maximize efficiency, and stay out of trouble with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other regulatory authorities. Contaminated air in your facilities can cause health problems ranging from bronchitis and emphysema to cognitive issues and cancer. In order not to be tracked by social media widgets, you can log out of all social networks you are logged in prior to visiting our website. Normally, this would be the job of the teams EHS manager. The presenter should be the individual who reports any incidents to OSHA. Attach any materials used for the talk to the sign-in sheet. For instance, in one session we led, a cohort of 50 leaders from 50 medical centers convened to share best practices and lessons learned during the pandemic. The idea was adopted across multiple medical centers. With the right resources, they can be conducted several times throughout the week and last about 10-15 minutes. In this weeks newsletter: - Instilling Safety As a Value[], Water Safety Tip - Summer is Here by Safety Speaker[], Always Ask For Help When You Need It! Run, swim, walk, yoga, whatever you see doing, do it. It gives me the opportunity to study marital arts, be a caretaker for my family in times of need, allows spontaneous creativity at work, and I can travel as a digital nomad. Note that a safety meeting is not the same thing as a toolbox talk. Beyond stress, self-awareness is important. A Safety Moment is a brief safety talk about a specific subject at the beginning of a meeting or shift. Show them that this is not a lecture; it is a dynamic conversation that is taking place between the team as a whole. Health and Safety. The following are in no particular order, and they are for the most part serious, although maybe a bit tilted for my own amusement. First, I will discuss what they did and I will finish the article with why I am so excited about it. Knowing signs of a heart attack serves as an example for the larger issue of just being aware of your health in general. Be detailed about what topics were discussed. Employees are more likely to take more away from these talks if they are shorter in duration but are more frequent compared to longer meetings that occur infrequently. Thirty years ago, I injured my back while moving a large lid on a sewage tank. Allowing everyone to contribute at the same time in their own words, with their names tagged, the chat function lowers the threshold for participation. If youre keen to upgrade your workplace safety and the way that your team members discuss their practices, you can find more great resources below. It is also the same five exposures they consider before they perform any job or task. Naturally, I am biased to the virtual worker way of life. If you would like even more workplace safety resources, check out our Members Area! These are topics of discussion and general advice. View our. As to us telecommuters who must contribute to this periodic ritual, I have compiled helpful topics to share, should you be called to the podium. I am here to help. One tip which may help carry you through the door is to build a system for success. All this can thwart our ability to read social cues and stress our cognition in subtle ways. All Rights Reserved BNP Media. Practice, practice, practice thats the way to build safety muscles across your workforce. What have our near misses been a result of? There are plenty of other safety topics covered in there (with additional content added each month) if you find yourself not finding what you need in all of the free content offered on this site! It pays to have your own back. Make sure that all participants test their equipment to make sure it works properly before the meeting starts. Locations of taped down cords for projectors, etc. Its also a great way to sincerely express the importance of the topic you are covering. Of course, there are times getting the whole gang together has value. Companies that spend time holding these meetings are less likely to have injuries compared to a company that does not hold them on a regular basis. To replicate informal water-cooler moments, managers can use text, phone, or email, to give reinforcing or redirecting feedback. When participants return to the large group, they find it easier to report ideas from the small group with the confidence that comes from testing and sharing perspectives in that relatively safer space. Its imperative that any worker exposed to hazardous air knows how to protect themselves by using a respiratory device. Every unit safety officer is required to provide their members with a safety education briefing each month. I know you are looking for options when inevitably asked to supply content for your next virtual team meeting Safety Talk. Make sure you're taking the proper steps to safeguard the well-being of your employees while protecting your bottom line. Copyright 2023. My friends practically dragged me to visit for a meal each week. File documentation in chronological order so they can be easily found to be reviewed if needed. These talks can be as short as a few minutes or longer than 20 minutes. There are many things you can do to hold a better meeting. The overarching purpose of a safety job briefing is to identify, evaluate, and control hazardous situations. Check your smoke and CO2 alarms and fire extinguishers on a yearly basis. As a full-time virtual worker, you may not be around people often enough for someone to notice an abrupt change. Read the FAASI Interim Report (PDF). Your employees should understand how to report incidents and accidents (in a perfect world, through their EHS software.). If you often work from home, invest in a proper ergonomic setting. Make sure your safety briefings go beyond being automatic and insignificant. A sore limb, a wet feeling in the breast, an odd change in personality all lead to long-term care. One survey found being forced to work remotely against your preference to do so aggravated substance abuse. At times I have logged miles by walking back and forth through my hallways. Fill it wisely. Interested in participating in our Sponsored Content section? Meeting rooms or break rooms are common areas where companies choose to hold their safety meetings. Are you covering all the safety topics you need to cover with your workforce? Be sure to give Diane Weiss a call at +1 209.745.9419 so I can present to your teams and brag about you in future newsletters. Unlabeled and mislabeled chemicals pose serious dangers to employeesand can result in major regulatory penalties. The content cant be adapted to suit your workforce and your unique situation. Social Media / Sharing Cookies are third-party cookies that are used when you share information using a social media sharing button or "like" button on our website or you link your account or engage with our content on or through a social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Deliver a safety meeting to make sure your workforce knows the types of PPE they need to wearand how to wear it properlyas well as the fundamentals of PPE inspections and maintenance. However, it can easily yield a false negative. One of us was present with a manager who said, Raise your hand if you have personal experience with someone battling Covid-19. Seeing no hands, he continued, Terrific, because Im going to need full effort for the project were about to discuss. Unfortunately, two team members taking care of elders who tested positive failed to use the tool perhaps becausethey didnt find it quickly enough or they felt reluctant to reveal personal information. Use the category links below to segment the talks by the specified category to easily find what you are looking for. It allows you to engage with your audience and encourage their participation. Examples include an authentication cookie that identifies a user for the duration of the session once that user logs in to a website or a cookie that keeps track of items placed in an e-commerce shopping cart. Looking for safety talk topics? Always make it a Safe Day. I try to plan ahead when traveling, researching what I will have available and what I may need to bring in order to be comfortably supported. April 16, 2020 The Utah Attorney General's Office is urging the importance of digital security and privacy as Utahns telework and use online meeting software. As a safety speaker this week, I joined the BNSF Road Way Equipment Safety Leadership Team in Dallas, Texas. Industrial equipment poses many dangers to your workforce. Shame on Hilton for being behind the curve in the meetings industry and not having stair rails). Consider dinner with friends versus dance lessons, for example. Thats enough to keep safety knowledge fresh on everyones mind and build the foundation of a strong health and safety culture. Build a better team and achieve more of what matters. From personal protective equipment to fire prevention, hazardous waste management, fall protection, and more, theres no shortage of safety topics to cover with your workforce. The stress of loneliness, boredom, and loss may be dangerous conditions. Its easy to stay consistent with your safety talks when you have a reliable backlog of quick safety topics for you to choose from. These talks need to have the correct documentation to do so. Employees using drugs at work are far more likely to get injured. Whether youre conducting your first safety audit, preparing to off-board a team member, or anything in between, here are some resources to walk you through every step. Pedestrians can get hit, which is especially common in workplaces where a lot of people are moving around on foot. SAFER is a multifaceted, comprehensive effort aimed at helping employers prioritize safety as they return employees to traditional work environments and schedules in a post-quarantine world. Take advantage of our nationwide coverage, 35+ years of experience, and 100+ certified EHS experts. Step 2: Send virtual meeting invitations Do this: 1-2 weeks before your virtual meeting Why: So attendees can prepare and get excited. Consider checking out the Members Area of the site. Your employees should be aware of fall causes and risk factors (such as wet and uneven surfaces) along with how to protect themselves and minimize the chances of a fall. Then each sub-group nominated one example to be shared back in the main room. For more information about our use of cookies and to opt-out of cookies at any time, please refer to our website Legal & Privacy Statement. 4. . For years I made a routine of practicing martial arts three days a week around lunch time. Earthquake safety. All rights reserved. Also, these short safety topics for work help your teams attitude towards health and safety and help improve your safety culture overall. Permission to use granted when credited and contact information included. This should only be done if the work area is comfortable, safe, and convenient for all involved in the talk. The facilitator then quickly launched an anonymous poll: On a scale of 1 to 5, rate the level of psychological safety in our company. When a majority of responses were 3, the executive responded, Clearly, I need to be less assumptive in my questioning! At that point, individuals used hand-raise and were willing to speak up with candid views. Both times I was rushing to answer the door while in a work meeting. Asbestos. As mentioned earlier, these talks do not have to be extremely long. This book is the course material for safety speaker Johns full-day course of the same title. If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you should not navigate An Environmental Health and Safety software platform tailored to the needs of your business. No wonder its becoming more and more difficult to engage your workforce in safety training. If it is constantly the EHS departments responsibility to present, then employees can be led to believe that the frontline supervisors or managers do not truly support safety. Guidance documents that provide detailed examinations of specific safety and health issues; Small, laminated QuickCards that provide brief safety and health information; and, What to do if you show any COVID-19 symptoms, Understanding the risks (including any key risks for your particular type of work), The current situation in the USA (legislation, statistics and changes), Examples of small changes that you can make to ensure your work practice is as safe as possible. You dont need to have a fixed location for these talks, either. Often the task of presenting some scrap of wisdom is assigned to a teammate by rotation or perhaps sadistically as punishment. The second part is a narrative of Johns live presentation and the lessons he teaches. For those who are lucky enough to not have had this experience, I admire your existence. When its vital that everyone listen intently to what is being said, chat may need to be turned off. Is your workforce prepared for the winter weather? Seeing faces creates engagement, but too much visual stimuli (faces and backgrounds) can be distracting, and low bandwidth can add to visual disruptions. Building psychological safety in virtual teams takes effort and strategy that pays off in engagement, collegiality, productive dissent, and idea generation. The people I met in these professions always commented on the joys and freedom of their work. You can pick the location with the topic in mind. Is your organization doing enough to avoid the most common OSHA citations? Topics to cover include heat stress and how can you avoid it? Virtual work from the home office may mean rarely leaving home. Presentations take the most time to create. They also help you to structure your talk and stick to the key topics that you need to cover. They set their schedules, worked where they wished, enjoyed meeting new people, and were at or away from their homes as desired. We care about data privacy, which we consider to be a fundamental human right. Presumably, I am not alone in feeling most staff meetings are too long, bureaucratic, and held unnecessarily often. Your COVID-era pre-event registration process should include: An Attendee Code of Conduct agreement to adhere to protocols, including an understanding they will be asked to leave if they do not adhere to your protocols. Safety briefs serve as important reminders for all Service members to be mindful while enjoying their time off (Photo by: Contact your local rep. Her persistence gnaws on me. (Bulk Discounts are available for quantities over 50 books) Inflexibility. The human attention span has been dwindling since the mass-adoption of the Internet. assess hazards, and control risk in a wide variety of scenarios. Recently she discovered the silicone cord-ties on my USB cables. Every time a talk is conducted, a sign-in sheet should be completed by the presenter and signed by everyone present for the meeting. Building psychological safety in virtual teams takes effort and strategy that pays off in engagement, collegiality, productive dissent, and idea generation. Encourage their participation, questions and feedback. By incorporating regular safety talks into your workplace routines, you are putting your workforce in the best position to minimize preventable workplace accidents. This is far more intuitive and considerate than what could be achieved by a long meeting spent reading from a binder. Areas OSHAs Focusing On in Your Industry, Your employees should understand how to report incidents and accidents (. The third-party cookies procedures are managed and controlled exclusively by each provider in accordance to their own privacy policies. Your number-one sign, and pet-produced clue to the solution is vomiting. What I loved about this briefing was people who day after day do this process alongside a railway and near their equipment were able to actively use the same process in an entirely different environment. Setting norms about brevity can help, but chats also can distract from the spoken conversation. Generally, safety committees meeting frequently have the advantage of Copyright 2023 Tip's User Interface | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme, Security Vulnerabilities Affecting Remote Workers, Can I get a blood clot from sitting at my computer? 1 100+ Safety Topics for Daily Toolbox Talks. At many companies, daily safety meetings prior to work beginning is an appropriate practice. this website. There is a belief that working virtually is a stress-free gig. This is your chance as designated leader to make the virtual meeting employ a physical activity. Think construction inspection in region 9 in the southwest and fall hazards in region 1 in the northeast. For the full-time office worker, remote or at the corporate cube-farm, being sedentary is unhealthy. Get the audience involved by asking for stories or examples relating to the topic. And no, I did not claim workers compensation. The book is written in two parts, which makes it a fast read. Amazingly, The DVT risk from sitting all day can be mitigated by not sitting continuously all day. I lost count of the number of times I burned myself filling my tea cup from my electric kettle. Beyond industry-specific topics, OSHAs focused on regional topics as well. (Bulk Discounts are available for quantities over 50 books) In another recent meeting, a manager used the anonymous poll function to ask participants to force-rank the companys diversity initiatives on potential impact and current performance. This yielded a 22 map, identifying High Impact/Low Performance initiatives (highest priorities) versus Lower Impact/High Performance initiatives. There is always a danger of something being done habitually losing its impact. However, the things that make forklifts useful also make them dangerous. in a perfect world, through their EHS software. For more information, read this guide to safety meetings. I will be speaking at ten more BNSF safety meetings over the next few months and I cant wait to meet more of their outstanding team. All rights reserved. Have a fire extinguisher readily available. Engage your virtual teammates by asking them to stand up and get circulation going in their legs. Safety tips to prevent back injury. Your workforce should be familiar with the dangers of chemical exposure, the ins and outs of your hazard communication plan, and how to use your library of material safety data sheets. These safety talks and safety training . For greater nuance in soliciting voice, poll and chat tools provide worthy alternatives. Loads can fall and crush people. Thousands more are learning these techniques because their company purchased a copy for everyone at their site even when John was unable to do a live presentation for them. Forklifts can tip over, injuring drivers and workers nearby. I also worked from an RV for almost two years and made good use of an articulated monitor stand. When Covid-19 was recognized as an emerging public health crisis earlier this year, tens of thousands of employees were sent home from offices around the world to start working from home for the foreseeable future. Copyright 2023 Innovative Safety Products LLC. Countless businesses rely on forklifts to move large/heavy objects. No kidding, dozens of times I held my cup in such a way that boiling water would splash on my hand. Its absence of non-verbal communication sharpens the need for proactive inquiry to lower hurdles to speaking up, such as, On a scale of 0-to-10, what do you think about or If you were to force-rank these five items, which ranks first and secondand which rates last? Further, participants must resist the urge to multi-task, and leaders can be explicit in requesting their full attention, while trying to design engaging, interactive virtual sessions. Now that youve got some ideas on topics to cover, learn best practices on delivering safety meetings. Holding meetings that often may not make sense for all operations, however. Johns Free Newsletter! It is important the person carrying out the safety meeting is confident and able to communicate effectively in groups. Whether working from a home office, hotel room, beach chair, or back porch, be mindful of the physical arrangements. Some other high-quality and reputable sources for toolbox talks or materials to support talks: The person who is directing the work should be the one responsible for conducting or leading the safety talk. They clearly understood the principles of this process because they were able to translate it to a hotel meeting room situation. If you are a virtual worker, your workspace is your toolbox. In addition, they should consider inviting a facilitator or a rotating member of the team to help ensure participation. Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back. When done correctly, these talks can have a profound effect on the overall safety program at a workplace. 2. KPA provides a unique combination of award-winning online training and on-site training delivered by 125+ certified EHS and HR consultants. Alcohol Awareness. Detecting social cues or non-verbal agreement is nearly impossible. For most meetings, I hear someone give a quick safety minute talk about a general hazard. How It All Began From Magician to Safety Professional. Required cookies are those that are used solely for the purpose of transmitting a communication and those that are absolutely necessary for a website to provide the service that a user is requesting. Glossary Tag: RMC Please contact Sandie Gilbert at 209-747-2770 and she can help you. Check out the local emphasis programs in play in your region. Plus, multitasking and clicking through the slides can be a little bit fiddly. Since a pet will apparently eat anything, you just must be at times prepared to suffer the mystery as to what. If holding it in the work area is not an option, pictures or maps of the worksite can be great tools so that employees can visualize what is being said. Have fun- dont take yourself so seriously! Regardless of your industry or where youre located, there are some issues that impact your workforce across the board. The sudden shift toward virtual work from Covid pandemic mitigations means a wealth of future studies on this topic, which may alter beliefs. This leads to the inevitable expulsion of kitten consumed contents. and cookie policy to learn more about the cookies we use and how we use your These meetings, no matter what they are called, are the safety message of the day for a work crew prior to the start of the day. Rested, healthy workers are a win-win situation. Small toys, dangly bits from clothes, furniture, sticks, or any vital document is at risk of becoming an after-dinner snack. What problems have we been having lately? Please contact Sandie Gilbert at 209-747-2770 and she can help you. 1.1 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Tool box Talks. Thats it. They first asked the audience what exposures existed in this classroom (which was a meeting room at the Fort Worth Hilton). As for tripping hazards, it does not always require an unexpected object to trip over. The tool thereby triggered a richer, more candid dialogue, followed by brainstorming and action planning in the midst of national protests on systemic racism. Different document types have their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, a good craftsman will invest in the best tools they can afford, which does not always mean costly. Back Stretches. I offered my manager $20 to get out of the meeting. Marines with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit receive a safety brief from the MEU commander while deployed to the Asia-Pacific region. Without documenting these efforts, there is no actual proof they were done. This article offers tips for how team leaders can use the functions on online platforms to overcome this barrier and make virtual meetings more productive. Analytics cookies are those that enable the monitoring and analyzing of the behavior of users of a website. The DVT is a serious risk, particularly for desk-jockeys. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. Thanks for subscribing to the newsletter. Good news! That is not always the case. At times, however, the sheer volume or length of entries leave some overlooked. Print them off to use for your next safety meeting or moment with your employees. Everyone has, no one should, and will probably do so again. My cup in such a way that boiling water would splash on USB. Experience, I joined the BNSF Road way equipment safety Leadership team in Dallas, Texas on everyones and. Issues and cancer issues that impact your workforce in the best position to minimize preventable workplace accidents of an monitor... How to report incidents and accidents ( in a wide variety of scenarios these,... Best practices on delivering safety meetings hold a better meeting text, phone, or vital! Officer is required to provide their Members with a manager who said, chat may need cover. 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