what is the difference between ausgrid and transgrid

To be read in conjunction with below variation. The PADR submission phase is designed to receive feedback from stakeholders, including community, on the proposed preferred option. endobj Sad that our essential services have been become the plaything of corporate interests and so much is wasted legal and financial arguments of how to share the spoils as opposed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supplying power. [3], In December 2015, a consortium called NSW Electricity Networks was the successful bidder for a 99-year lease of Transgrid's transmission network[4] for $10.3 billion. If you lose power, the first thing you should do is use your mobile to look at the Ausgrid website and check whether they are already aware of the issue. AVP and Transgrid sought and encouraged feedback from stakeholders via submissions and consultations on the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR), which was published in July 2022. Each meter records and displays the information differently. There are three major underlying issues in contention and we not expressing the legal language or points but what we perceive as the underlying common sense issues: At first we didnt think the AER stood much of a chance in the appeal. Videos of the presentation can be viewed below, with copies of the slide pack available in the Resources section below. Ausgrid is an electricity distribution company which owns, maintains and operates the electrical networks supplying 1.8 million customers servicing more than 4 million people in Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter regions of New South Wales, Australia. Central West Orana REZ Mt Piper to Wallerawang Transmission Network Project. For more info: https://t.co/bZtdLPjc9L. We operate and manage the high voltage electricity transmission network in NSW and the ACT. Transgrid is the manager and operator of the high voltage electricity transmission network in New South Wales and the Australian Capital . As a result the regulator decided to cut Ausgrids 2014-2019 revenues by an eyebrow raising 40% compared to what Ausgrid was looking for. We have provided links to each network operator's licence (and any subsequent variations) below. And also note ourlive generation widget,and theAPVI solar contribution. endobj The cost of undergrounding is generally much greater compared to overhead lines and would add significantly to a construction timeline. The PSCR seeks feedback and advice on the identified need for new transmission infrastructure. Electricity is also transmitted into areas with high population density through high voltage underground cables. % See the December 2021 progress updatefor more details. delay: { hide: 300 }, 9 0 obj Ausgrid, Evoenergy, and Essential Energy. There are also four gas distributors in the state. Some people occasionally get confused about the difference between distributors such as Ausgrid and . This means that Ausgrid is the distribution network for households and businesses in Cronulla, Newcastle, the Hunter region, Nelson Bay and parts of Sydney. Our approach centres on transparency, accessibility, inclusiveness and communication. We think there is sufficient unhappiness at where things are that the Review Panels recommendations for a new body will in time be revisited. title: "" For another comparison we can look at what was paid for Transgrid as recently as last year. Ausgrid has received numerous complaints and requests for better stakeholder management and consultation of the local community. Targeted interconnector expansion between these regions would help to address transmission networklimitations,andimprove supply reliability as ageing coal-fired plants retire and access to competitively priced electricity from renewable generators and energy storage becomes critical. Feedback from face-to-face and virtual meetings with stakeholders, including councils and local communities, on the PADR has seen 26 written submissions received from a broad range of stakeholders. AVP and Transgrid are committed to working with stakeholders and communities from an early stage in the RIT-T process to build our understanding of the local context, listen to interests or concerns, and use that information to help to refine transmission line route options. Before entering the distribution network managed by Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy, the voltage must be reduced from 132 kV, 220 kV, 330 kV or 500 kV to lower voltages. This regulatory process ensures energy users avoid paying more than necessary for electricity through the transition to net zero emissions. A new 500kV transmission line will carry electricity to customers from new generation sources. . Meters measure how much gas or electricity is being used at your service address. Central West Orana REZ Mt Piper to Wallerawang Transmission Network Project, Connecting VNI West to Western Renewables Link FAQs, 2021 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report, Project Specification Consultation Report, Report : VNI West PADR market modelling report, Modelling : VNI West PADR RIT-T NPV model, Modelling : VNI West Hydrogen Superpower model, Modelling : VNI West Progressive Change model, VNI West PADR Information Session 1 10 August 2022, Transgrid VNIW Roundtable Report Final June 2022, Victoria New South Wales Interconnector (VNI West), Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T), Preferred option identified for transmission project to share electricity between NSW and Victoria with $687 million in market benefits, Transgrid to help light up the Murray for Moama Lights, Federal funding of $75 million to secure supply and assess energy sharing options between NSW and Victoria. <>>> Implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan contributes to creating a more equitable future. This engagement will provide opportunities for all stakeholders to provide feedback and insights in relation to the potential alternative locations for the terminal station. $("#scpopover_282170").popover({ Major decisions, such as the location of the VNI West connection to WRL, consider engineering and economic factors. In 2015, the Government announced that Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, and Transgrid would be fully or partially leased to private operators: You can also contact the Transgrid team in NSW via VNIW@transgrid.com.au or the AEMO team in Victoria via VNIWestRITT@aemo.com.au. Copyright 2023 Canstar Blue Pty Ltd ACN 142 285 434 All Rights Reserved, facebook The route, design and location of any new infrastructure required to deliver VNI West has not been determined.Once AVP and Transgrid have determined in the PACR where best to connect VNI West into WRL, this will establish a broad area of interest that will subsequently be narrowed down to a corridor, and then a specific route, through further detailed assessment and planning as part of Initial Work activities. Ausgrid is an electricity distributor for parts of Sydney and NSW. Integrating sustainability principles across our operations helps to protect our communities. Transgrid has entered into an underwriting agreement with the Commonwealth Government to develop the Victoria to New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West), a major transmission infrastructure project proposed to secure the electricity supply and boost sharing between the two states. AusNet has and continues to investigate project alternatives as part of the EES. }); Some people occasionally get confused about the difference between distributors such as Ausgrid and retailers like AGL, EnergyAustralia or Origin Energy. SGC also owns 60% of Jemena which owns another electricity distribution business in Victoria and most of the gas distribution in NSW. It is recommended that you engage with an electrical professional when making your application to assist in picking the right connection design for you. 1 0 obj [5], In 2018, Transgrid was among 17 energy businesses that supported the launch of the Energy Charter, a global initiative aimed at bringing together all parts of the power supply chain to give customers more affordable and reliable energy. endobj It is the first of a three stage RIT-T process. Its fair to say, in our view, that CKIs Australian assets have been the most efficiently run in the NEM, as judged by the AER. Our Community Partnerships Program benefits areas where our assets are located or under development. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. Ausgrid undertook the rapid replacement of its fleet of vehicles. [2] Initial bidding was won by a consortium of State Grid Corporation of China and Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings. This means you are charged the same amount for the electricity you use, regardless of when you use it. By leading the transition to a clean energy future, we aim to make a better power system for Australians. Transgrid runs over 13,000 kilometres of transmission wires in . Transgrid participates in the Australian Energy Regulator's (AER) revenue proposal process, where submissions of the transmission network service providers (TNSP), the AER and other interested parties are used to set the maximum allowable revenue (MAR) for the TNSPs for a five-year period. In December 2019, Transgrid and AVP published the Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR) for VNI West. The statutory obligations relevant to network operators and our role as the regulator are governed by a number of regulatory instruments. endobj We provide a summary of certain obligations of network operators below, to assist stakeholders. The non-confidential submissions are available to read on the AEMO website. In December 2021, the Australian Energy Regulator granted an extension to The VNI West RIT-T Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) publication date to 31 August 2022. 2 0 obj Learn moreabout this change. We have rigorously tested TransGrid's forecast costs to check . To best find out what tariff you should sign up to, you may need to visit Ausgrids Network Prices page. That information is then sent to our systems, validated and then sent to your electricity retailer so they can calculate your bill. Transgrid and AVP received 26 submissions during the PADR submission period (29 July 9 September 2022). Switching stations are used to provide greater control of the electricity at particular points in the network. In essence we think that offshore buyers may pay significantly less tax than Australian buyers. Whether the AER was entitled to calculate interest rate revenue allowances in the way it did (using a ten year forward looking moving average). The AER argues that the Tribunal expressed concerns about the use of estimated econometric data to estimate Ausgrids costs, but made no finding that the estimates were materially inaccurate or unreliable. This includes a number of major urban areas such as Cronulla, Newcastle and the Hunter region. A more technical question on the gamma allowance. The licence is subject to additional conditions as provided for by the Electricity Supply Act 1995 and the regulations under it. If you live on the central-east coast of New South Wales, your electricity distributor will be Ausgrid. The display of the interval meter is programmed to show the date and time (in Eastern Standard Time as required by the National Electricity Rules) as well as the total kilowatt hours (kWh). Our database may not cover all deals in your area. It applies to each network operator from the date it was transacted. We acknowledge community concerns that can be created by this uncertainty and therefore want to make a decision as quickly as possible while ensuring that there is still adequate time for communities and other stakeholders to provide input. It consists of a structure supporting conductors in the air, which are located at a safe distance from the ground. Australia is undergoing a once-in-a-generation change towards a net-zero emission future. The interconnector upgrade will boost interstate power flows and lower energy bills. Victoria New South Wales Interconnector (VNI West), is a proposed new high-capacity 500 kilovolt (kV) double-circuit overhead transmission line, providing a connection between the Western Renewables Link in Victoria and Project EnergyConnect in New South Wales. Unfortunately we cannot provide dimensions for older models installed before 2004 due to the existence of a significant number of legacy models. content: `Our journalists and editors are committed to bringing you accurate, clear and detailed information, and ensuring this page gives you the full picture at the time of publication or update. This consultation will focus on Traditional Owners and communities that are potentially impacted by the alternative connection location of VNI West into WRL so we can be confident we understand all the local factors before making any decision. The structures are either steel towers or poles made of steel, concrete or wood. The appeal grounds around the appropriate cost of debt are much more legal, and in part, turn on whether the ACT was even entitled to consider the matter and whether the appropriate benchmark entity is a regulated utility or an unregulated entity. As a qualified journalist, Kelseigh aims to light the way for everyday Aussies, helping them find a better deal on their energy plan. Ausgrid owns most meters connected to our network. Reduce carbon emissions, and helping achieve state-based renewable energy targets, while continuing to deliver safe, reliable and affordable electricity to consumers. Like the Transgrid process before it, the State would retain the legal ownership of Ausgrid's network assets. JFIF JExif MM * 2 :( XICC_PROFILE HLino mntrRGB XYZ 1 acspMSFT IEC sRGB -HP cprt P 3desc lwtpt bkpt rXYZ gXYZ , bXYZ @ dmnd T pdmdd vued L view $lumi meas $tech 0 rTRC. This page was written and is regularly updated by Canstar Blues energy content producer, Kelseigh Wrigley. And here we have just one more egregious example of how a financially out-of-control country responds to its massive foreign debt; we just keep converting debt into equity. This comparison assumes general energy usage of 3900kWh/year for a residential customer on a single rate tariff. This suite of documents comprises TransGrid's application of the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) which has been prepared and made available solely for informat This means you can have different electricity rates for usage at different times of the day, depending on the tariff you sign up to with your electricity retailer. The electricity network and transmission lines in NSW are owned by Transgrid - a privately owned company. You can find the meter dimensions listed below. This includes gathering Traditional Owners, Registered Aboriginal Parties, community and stakeholder feedback and land surveys. CKI is also a major investor in UK electricity distribution assets. html: true, The AFR reported, via the usually impeccably reliable Street talk column that SGC was expected to bid over $13 bn for the stake. While visual amenity impacts and bushfire risk are reduced, undergrounding raises its own suite of issues: for example, disturbance to flora and fauna, and archaeological sites, and increased impact on land use (the land above an underground power line may not be able to be used for some farming activity). The whole appeal process was entirely opposite to the spirit of better regulation and contrary to recommendations of a review of the appeals process. Licence granted to the Endeavour Energy Network Operator Partnership, Licence - to be read in conjunction with below variation. . Maps appearing in the VNI West PADR, and the 2022 ISP, are illustrative only. One of the key issues identified through the submissions and engagement was the proposal to connect VNI West to the Western Renewables Link (WRL) at the proposed terminal station at Mount Prospect, and its compatibility with land use between Ballarat and Bendigo. install a solar PV system at your property. - Endeavour Energy was partially leased (50.4%) to private operators in June 2017. Transgrid's network comprises 104 bulk supply substations and more than 13,133 kilometres of high voltage transmission lines and cables. tariff options for energy customers in New South Wales, cheapest electricity prices in New South Wales, three electricity distributors in New South Wales. To understand specific land use issues, we are consulting with Traditional Owners, communities and stakeholders in the Waubra/Lexton (Djaara Country) and Bulgana (Wotjobaluk Country) areas. Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy and Transgrid (Network Operators) each hold an operating licence. If you are on the Ausgrid network, it may pay to keep these details handy for the next time you have an outage or power supply issues. AER appeal to the Federal court is the shadow hanging over Ausgrid. The PACR, including responses to feedback received, will be published in 2023. Metering systems located at customer connection points in the network, usually at substations, record the amount of power being transmitted at that point and charge the customer accordingly. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area and to see other products in our database that may be available. While generators are required to provide adequate notice before decommissioning, there are risks that a substantial plant failure, loss of significant revenue or force majeure events could cause an early or unexpected plant retirement. A lot of work is currently underway to understand the specific land use and community issues for each of the potential connection points to inform that decision. endstream }d'==)S~?i Any faulty or fallen powerlines spotted on the central-east coast of NSW should also be raised with Ausgrid. Pollution Incident Response Management Plans, 134 (W) x 164 (Height with standard terminal cover) x 59 (D), 166 (W) x 210 (Height with standard terminal cover) x 74 (D), PRI-Sprint Whole Current PRW Electronic Meter. As part of this we are committed to having robust processes to determine stakeholder and community needs and be accountable on how feedback has been considered and incorporated into decision making. This summary is an aide only, and should not be relied upon by licence holders and other stakeholders as a substitute for thoroughly reading all relevant regulatory instruments. To our knowledge, all information in articles on the Canstar Blue website was correct at the time of publication. With multiple tariffs on the Ausgrid network, there is an exhaustive list of pricing information. Further formal consultation is proposed early 2023 before finalising the Project Assessment Conclusions Report. He was formerly a Utility Analyst for leading investment banks over the past 30 years. These costs are based on the Ausgrid network in Sydney but prices may vary depending on your circumstances. Stay up to date. Hong Kongs Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI) and State Grid of China [SGC] already own considerable utility infrastructure in Australia, and CKI in particular has an excellent reputation as an operator. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision. Affected residents groups from the suburbs of Leichhardt,[5] Penshurst[6][7] and East Lindfield[8][9] protested against proposed electricity infrastructure[10] being installed in front of their residential homes without proper consultation or response to complaints by the community. SGC was likely to have paid a higher price than anyone else. ESCO Pacific on track to achieve 1GW development goal, A unique mix of opportunities and challenges for solar energy, How this Aussie-made technology is smashing the solar ceiling, ACT claims highest home battery density in Australia, as rebate scheme winds up, Jinko Solar unveils second generation Tiger Neo solar panels, Polestar EV battery packs now powering Candela electric hydrofoil boats, Used Tesla listings reach all-time high in Australia as price cuts take effect, Hertz and Uber ramp up electrification efforts in Europe with 25,000 EVs. Our work to assess other potential locations is the result of this consultation process, and engagement with key local community representatives in the regions that may ultimately host the VNI West transmission lines. Below we have listed some of the important information about Ausgrid. The key difference between a switching station and substation is that a power transformer is not installed at the switching station. Discover opportunities for apprentices, graduates and professionals. Although VNI West will not be delivered under the VTIF, VicGrid has indicated that the principles detailed within the framework should be incorporated into the various phases of the project where possible. In response, further analysis is currently being undertaken jointly by AVP and Transgrid to include consideration of alternate VNI West options, connecting to WRL at different points between Mt Prospect and Bulgana, in the next phase of the RIT-T. As part of this additional VNI West RIT-T analysis, we will be consulting with Traditional Owners, communities and local governments in the areas of interest. EnergyConnect is a critical project that will lower power bills for homes and businesses. Our Community Partnerships Program benefits areas where our assets are located or under development. Concerned? We calculate as follows: By comparison, the four listed comparable investments, AUS, DUE, SKI trade as follows: You can see that the sharemarket tends to value these assets, once they have been optimised, and including some extra non regulated revenue at about 8.5X ebitda and at about 1.4X regulated asset base [RAB]. I am hoping that the aer wins the appeal. Waubra/Lexton option: a new 500kV line connecting WRL at a new terminal station (TS) near Waubra/Lexton to Project Energy Connect (PEC); plus, a potential variation of an additional 500kV spur to Bulgana (i.e. In February 2023, we will also be publishing a consultation report explaining the proposed preferred option from this additional analysis and inviting further feedback through written submissions prior to concluding the RIT-T. We are and will continue to engage with Traditional Owners and stakeholders to facilitate meaningful input, and clearly explain the rationale and benefits of the project. stream Automation systems enable us to exert control in any part of the network and to enable communication between substations or switching stations and our control centre. Bulgana option: a new 500kV line connecting WRL at a new TS near Bulgana to PEC; OR a new 500 kV line connecting WRL at a new TS near Bulgana to PEC, via a new TS near Bendigo and a TS station near Kerang. Our network extends throughout NSW and the ACT, with connections to Queensland and Victoria. This consultation will provide a number of different opportunities for community members to provide feedback in addition to our regular engagement with councils, governments, consumer representatives, traditional owner groups and industry. David Leitch is principal of ITK. The diagram below has been provided for illustrative purposes only to provide an indication of the potential broad areas of interest under investigation. Get up to 3 free, no obligation quotes from highly-qualified installers. Transgrid acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and we pay our respect to their Elders past and present. On Thursday, the Australian Government, announced that neither State Grid of China nor Cheung Kong Infrastructure would be allowed to bid for the 50.4 per cent of Ausgrid that the State Govt of NSW is selling unless they could address certain concerns. Our core role is to connect electricity consumers to a safe, secure and reliable network through efficient maintenance, proficient operation of assets and prudent investment. We have also received a response to the report from the community members of the To connect your home or business to the electricity grid, If you find any electricity faults that are not related to the network, To report a safety concern such as a fallen powerline, To discuss changing energy plans or retailers, To get permission to relocate network assets (i.e. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. If you are in these areas and would like to know more, please email info@westernrenewableslink.com.au or call 1300 360 795. Before entering the distribution network managed by Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy, the voltage must be reduced from 132 kV, 220 kV, 330 kV or 500 kV to lower voltages. Electricity distribution assets: 300 }, 9 0 obj Ausgrid, Evoenergy, and Essential energy December 2021 updatefor... Operators in June 2017 Implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan contributes to creating a more equitable future into areas with population! Our operations helps to protect our communities like to know more, please email info @ westernrenewableslink.com.au or 1300. To visit Ausgrids network Prices page are available to read on the proposed preferred option our operations helps protect! Also transmitted into areas with high population density through high voltage electricity transmission network NSW. 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